The East Coast Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. (ECCTAI) brings together, in a spirit of friendship and goodwill, all persons who share in the aspirations and successes of the men and women who pioneered in military aviation and in the Tuskegee Experience. We are dedicated to fostering recognition of and preserving the history of Black achievements in aviation, and to inspiring and motivating young men and women toward endeavors in aviation, aerospace, science, technology, engineering and mathematical careers.
2025 GRANTS Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation (check back for more information on availability) Click to access application form -- PDF file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Each year the Tuskegee Airmen Scholarship Foundation (TASF) grants scholarship awards to deserving young men and women. The number of scholarship awarded is directly related to income received from Foundation investments. Forty (40) awards of one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) are typically available each year. These $1,500 awards are provided on a one-time, first year basis only. Check back to see when you can apply for 2026 awards. |
ECCTAI has speakers that are available to speak at events and make special appearances, to request a speaker please press the Request a Speaker button above.Please ensure your request timeline is 60-90 days in advance of the event for the local Tuskegee Airmen or National Officer attendance. | JOIN ECCTAI The East Coast Chapter of Tuskegee Airmen, Inc. (ECCTAI) is the largest and most active chapter in the national organization. Join now and start making a difference. |